Introducing – Swift For Rubyists

As a Ruby developer, I had been looking to pick up iOS development for a while. I was lucky enough to take a course in it in the summer of 2014. The course covered Objective-C as well as the iOS API. Then Apple released the Swift programming language during the middle of the course, and the focus switched to learning Swift.

I’ve decided to write a series of posts on Swift for Rubyists. Theses posts will be centered around what I’ve picked up as a Rubyist learning Swift and the key points to note if you are a Rubyist who is attempting to learn Swift as well. I hope these posts will be helpful for other Rubyists looking to pick up Apple’s latest programming language.

Note: While Ruby is an excellent language, these posts are not meant to be a substitute for reading the Swift documentation and utilizing Swift’s own strengths and weaknesses. Using only the parts of Swift which are familiar to Ruby would be a waste of a very powerful and robust language. These posts are meant to be guides to help Rubyists transition to learning this fascinating new language.


3 thoughts on “Introducing – Swift For Rubyists

  1. Very excited for these. I’ve been meaning to read the Swift docs but haven’t found the time. This is a great stepping stone

  2. Ruby students should be like this post and they find more information about their education in here. To make swift in Rubyists they find more help from this post. Now they need to enjoy their education from here.

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